I have had situations where clients obviously did work and were obviously owed money; however, they neglected to register their company in the state where they needed to bring their case. As a result, they lost their cases. These cases provide an example of one of the snares among many in the minefield of legal technicalities out there. Avoiding being entrapped by a law, rule or regulation that could seriously harm your business requires legal guidance. Requirements mandating registration and licensing of a business are just the tip of the technicality iceberg. The risk these technicalities create impacts every aspect of your business from the language of your contract to your method of interaction with customers to the appearance of your jobsite.
It is very important for any construction business owner to establish a relationship with an attorney so that the business owner can call upon the attorney for advice whenever a voyage into uncharted business territory. I have been practicing law since 1987 and I want to give you the benefit of my experience so that you can avoid the pitfalls that are out there. The first half an hour is on me (I don’t charge you for it). Please give me a call and set up a consultation.
Even if you have never talked to me in a preliminary introductory setting, please talk to me if you are running into problems on a job.