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Christopher R. Wampler and Eugene L. Souder

Things fathers can do to win custody of their children

On Behalf of | Jan 21, 2022 | Child Custody |

Traditionally, mothers were often thought of as the primary caregivers of the family. In stereotypical families of past generations, mothers raised the children while fathers worked and took care of finances. However, even though today’s fathers play a larger and more active role in the lives of their children, some courts still tend to favor mothers in child custody cases. Here are a few ways fathers in Maryland can increase their chances of gaining custody of their children. 

Best interests of the child 

The number one factor most courts use in determining child custody is the best interests of the child. Fathers who are seeking child custody should be prepared to explain in detail to the court why obtaining custody serves the child’s best interests. While a father may feel that he has a strong connection to the child, the judge will be looking for objective ways the father has shown this. 

Living accommodations 

During a custody hearing, courts will often ask about adequate living accommodations. The judge will look to determine if the father is home on a regular basis and if the home is safe and secure. Courts will also ensure the child has a bed that is adequate. 

Be respectful to the other parent 

Even if the other parent is challenging, fathers seeking child custody should try to be as respectful to the child’s other parent as possible. Being rude or disrespectful to the other parent can fracture the father/child relationship with the children. Judges are usually more likely to side with the parent who isn’t taking part in contentious or rude behavior. 

For fathers, obtaining child custody can be very difficult. However, it is anything but impossible. Parents in Maryland who have questions about child custody may want to consult a knowledgeable legal representative. A seasoned family law attorney who has a clear understanding of fathers’ rights can help their clients achieve the best possible outcome relative to their specific situation. 

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