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Christopher R. Wampler and Eugene L. Souder

Man sentenced to a year in jail over DWI with a child

On Behalf of | Nov 10, 2020 | Criminal Law |

Many people all across the country suffer from alcoholism. It is a disease marked by a serious addiction to the consumption of alcohol that may not only adversely impact one’s health, but lead them to make choices they later regret. This type of addiction sometimes results in a person being charged with a DWI for operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. One Maryland man was recently sentenced to a year in jail for numerous offenses stemming from what police say was intoxicated driving, including endangering the life of his infant son, and addiction to alcohol may be at the root of it all.

Officials say that in the fall of last year, the man was driving over 100 mph on the Chincoteague Causeway. Police gave pursuit, but it is not clear how the man finally stopped. Officers reported that the man’s child was in the car with him at the time. They say that the man not only endangered his own life with his actions, but those of the baby and the officer as well.

The man was charged with eluding police, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, DWI with a child, and driving on a suspended license. He pleaded guilty to all charges and reported that he has since taken measures to rectify this matter, including going to AA meetings. He also reported regret over the incident and says he went to a class for anger management. His sentence was issued recently, and he will now serve 12 months in jail.

This man’s case shows how a situation involving intoxicated driving can get out of hand very quickly. Even after he serves his sentence, he may lose his license permanently or for a long period of time, not to mention the social stigma that can come with a DWI conviction. It is imperative that others here in Maryland facing similar charges consider a strategy for criminal defense. Doing so with the guidance of a knowledgeable attorney may be the best way to reduce the impact upon a person’s life.

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