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Christopher R. Wampler and Eugene L. Souder

Calming child custody chaos: Two big fears debunked

On Behalf of | Apr 5, 2024 | Child Custody |

Divorce often sparks a whirlwind of anxieties, especially when children are involved. The fear of losing one’s kids can be paralyzing, leading some couples to delay separation altogether.

While child custody is a crucial aspect of divorce, take a deep breath – if you’re seeking a divorce, you likely do not need to live in constant dread. Modern family courts generally prioritize strong bonds between children and both parents. Hopefully, this information can help you put two common fears to rest.

Moms always get child custody

In the 21st century, courts recognize the immense value a stable and loving father brings to a child’s life. Today, judges rarely make decisions that exclude a capable dad. Fathers are increasingly awarded primary or joint custody, especially in cases where they have been the primary caregiver or the other parent exhibits behaviors that could be detrimental to the child’s well-being. No matter your gender, it’s important to focus on building a strong case that showcases your involvement and positive influence in your child’s life, if you’ll be litigating your situation.

Custodial parents call the shots

The fear of being cut out of a child’s life is common for non-custodial parents. It can help to understand that custodial parents do not have free rein to do as they please with the kids. For example, moving the children far away without the court’s approval or denying visitation without a valid reason violates legally binding court orders. Legal recourse may be available if your co-parent attempts to restrict your access to your kids, even if you are classified as a non-custodial parent (which is rare, nowadays).

Ditch the rumors and misinformation about child custody matters in Maryland. Instead, focus on learning about state divorce and child custody rules. A legal representative can help you understand how these laws may impact your custody case.

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