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Christopher R. Wampler and Eugene L. Souder

What are the leading causes of wrong-way driving?

On Behalf of | Feb 5, 2024 | Auto Accidents |

Driving is an essential part of modern life, but it remains risky nonetheless. One particularly dangerous threat to road safety is wrong-way driving. The most common and devastating consequence of wrong-way driving is head-on collisions. These high-impact crashes often result in catastrophic injuries and fatalities.

Wrong-way driving, simply put, refers to the act of operating a vehicle in the opposite direction of the designated traffic flow. This dangerous maneuver occurs on highways, streets and other roadways, posing an immediate risk to the driver and others on the road. Several factors contribute to this hazardous behavior, including the following.

Impaired driving

One of the primary contributors to wrong-way driving is impaired driving. Alcohol consumption and substance abuse impair cognitive functions. This can lead to poor decision-making and a higher likelihood of drivers entering roads in the wrong direction. Being under the influence of drugs or prescription medications can also impair drivers, causing them to lose their sense of direction.

Road design and signage

Poorly designed or insufficient road signage can be a major factor in wrong-way driving. Drivers may unknowingly enter a one-way road due to a lack of clear, visible signs. Complex interchanges can also confuse even experienced drivers, increasing the risk of wrong-way entries.

Multitasking behind the wheel

With the rise of smartphones, multitasking behind the wheel has become a prevalent issue. Drivers engaged in texting or using mobile devices are more likely to overlook road signs and enter the wrong lanes. This can put themselves and others at risk.

Diligent drivers can easily get involved in head-on collisions with other drivers who are driving in the wrong direction. Should this ever happen, a crash victim should consider engaging a legal team to help them successfully pursue compensation for their injuries.

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