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Christopher R. Wampler and Eugene L. Souder

Capable Assistance With Alimony Matters

Last updated on November 6, 2024

Divorce is a dramatic change for the people involved for many reasons. Obviously the personal aspect is significant — after being married for years, even decades, people find themselves single again. But with that comes significant financial changes as well. Depending on each spouse’s role in their marriage, this could mean a significant decrease in household income without any kind of adjustment.

The divorce lawyers at Wampler & Souder, LLC, know that financial security is crucial for people after a divorce. They have in-depth experience with divorce cases that involve alimony. The circumstances of alimony payments are different for each couple, and our attorneys are prepared to aggressively represent your interests when it comes to alimony, whether in Maryland, Virginia or Washington, D.C.

Alimony Can Be Complicated, So Let Us Guide You

While the difference in the two spouses’ income is an important consideration in whether or not a court awards alimony — and if so, what the amount will be — by no means is income difference the only factor. Some other factors may include:

  • The age of the parties — are they near retirement age?
  • The length of the marriage — has the parties settled into a predictable financial picture?
  • What the parties’ standard of living has been?
  • The ability for one party or the other to pay alimony.
  • The formal education of each party.
  • The need for alimony.
  • What led to the breakup of the marriage?

Contact Us For A Consultation

If you are considering a divorce, call us today to schedule a consultation. Understand your rights before you make any decisions that could negatively impact you for the rest of your life. Our attorneys will make sure you have a complete picture of the situation. Call us now for a consultation at 301-732-7675 or email us your contact information to get started. We have offices in Silver Spring, Franklin and Marlboro.

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